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Wellbeing holiday with acupuncture and TCM

December 31, 2021
Acupuncture is an aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is believed to be 2,500 years old.
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Wellness holiday with acupuncture

Acupuncture is an aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is believed to be 2,500 years old. Acupuncture is based on the principle that within the body, there are channels through which energy flows, called meridians. Blockages in meridians can cause all kinds of issues: from pain and infertility to addiction, stress and disease. The placement of needles on specific points on the body allows the energy to flow freely again and ailments to heal. And so it’s not surprising that health and wellness resorts are offering acupuncture. It’s a great way to turn a relaxing wellness holiday into an effective health retreat.

Acupuncture is a holistic treatment method. Various health and wellness resorts include it in their wellness packages as part of a smoking cessation programme, rejuvenation programme or weight loss programme, for example. But acupuncture can also be beneficial for gastrointestinal complaints, digestive issues, tension and poor sleep. On a wellness holiday with acupuncture, after an initial consultation with an acupuncturist, you will receive various treatments specifically targeted at your issue. Get to enjoy a wellness holiday of rest, great food, comfort and luxury whilst you work towards achieving your health goals in a pleasurable way.

Click here for our Health & Wellbeing Holidays that offer Acupuncture treatments.

Image for What is a wellness holiday with acupuncture?

What is a wellness holiday with acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a holistic treatment method. Various health and wellness resorts include it in their wellness packages as part of a smoking cessation programme, rejuvenation programme or weight loss programme, for example. But acupuncture can also be beneficial for gastrointestinal complaints, digestive issues, tension and poor sleep. On a wellness holiday with acupuncture, after an initial consultation with an acupuncturist, you will receive various treatments specifically targeted at your issue. Get to enjoy a wellness holiday of rest, great food, comfort and luxury whilst you work towards achieving your health goals in a pleasurable way.

Click here for our Health & Wellbeing Holidays that offer Acupuncture treatments.

Image for Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a form of medical practice that has been used in China for thousands of years. It is based on the concept of Qi (pronounced "chee"), which is the vital energy that flows through the body's meridians or pathways. TCM includes a range of practices, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, moxibustion and dietary therapy. It is a holistic approach to health, treating not just the physical symptoms of a condition, but also the emotional and spiritual aspects of a person's health. There is a growing body of research that suggests TCM can be an effective complement to Western medicine in treating a range of health conditions. In TCM, the focus is on maintaining balance and harmony within the body, rather than just treating specific symptoms or diseases. Practitioners use a variety of diagnostic techniques, including pulse and tongue diagnosis, to determine imbalances in the body's Qi and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has a holistic approach and looks at body and mind as one. A person is therefore considered a complex entity of matter, energy and spirit that is constantly developing and subject to change. All parts are connected: the mind affects the body, whereby mental and psychological problems can be expressed in the body. And vice versa, the body affects the mind, with mental issues causing physical ones.

TCM has always considered stress the primary cause of disease. This philosophy makes TCM a suitable method for tackling issues of modern-day life. These days, more and more people are suffering from stress-related ailments, such as tension, anxiety, sleeping issues, digestive complaints, obesity, etc. From a traditional-Chinese-medicine perspective, they can be treated at the root of the cause. At a holistic health or wellbeing resort, mostly located in stunning and relaxing locations and allowing you to focus fully on treating your issues and complaints.

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