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Interview 'Being women: strength from their femininity' - Karina Stewart

May 12, 2023

'Have the courage to be yourself'. Karina Stewart, founder of award-wining Kamalaya Koh Samui, speaks her message with all her heart. 'Whether you are a mother, aunt, sister, daughter or a granny. 'Inspire other women and be the example for others'. Karina: 'For us women, it's very important to be connected with our inner self. Around the globe, in each continent, young, old, in career or motherhood, in menopause or traveling the world. It is a blessing to be a woman in this part of the world. We are given so many opportunities and can make our own choices. This was different for a long time, and it still is in many places in the world. The good news is that along the way, more and more women are aware of the change'.

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By nature

'If I talk about Western culture, I mean in this case: male-dominated. The values that are valued and seen in western society are mainly masculine: goal-oriented and competitive. There is  nothing wrong with those values, don't get me wrong. But women often have very different and just as important qualities, but they are often not seen. Not appreciated. Every human being has the need to be seen, heard and appreciated. It is our nature. Women adapt and often neglect our holistic and harmonious side. While that side often naturally suits us better.'

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Karina has an example to clarify her vision. 'Imagine you are in front of a wide river and you need to cross it. There are hundred different ways to get across. But the most obvious solution that will come to our minds will be: arrange a speedboat and get to the other side as quick as possible. Intention and go! However, this method doesn't take into account the noise, which may scare animals, or the earth, because the boat runs on petrol. Women might have thought of different ways to cross the river, such as a sailing boat. We would probably also see the fun of a pleasant boat ride on the water. The person who suggests 'sailing boat' most probably does not get the appreciation she deserves.Women tend to consider others and other factors more.'

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'I think this is the reason why many women feel at some point in their lives as invaluable, unseen and frustrated. As a consequence of not been able to develop the feminine side of their personality and the talents that comes with it. It creates imbalance, which can lead to more frustration and a feeling of sadness. Particularly for women in menopause, when they feel that this imbalance has effected them throughout life. I am a strong believer in keeping your life in balance. In paying attention to our feminine talents and embrace them!'

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Women's health

'It's great when women can come to Kamalaya, we offer many programs specific for women's health. I know that this is not always possible, so let me share some of my tips for you. Little steps can lead to big transformations'.

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5x important tips to stay healthy

EXERSISE: Women over 35 years, I strongly recommend yoga. Especially yin yoga. Yoga that focuses on recovery and breathing.

IDEAL WEIGHT: Being overweight and underweight leads to all kinds of health problems. Healthy nutrition is most important here.

SLEEP ENOUGH: Sleep is very important to promote your longevity and health.

BREATHE IN: Take time to breathe! It lowers your cortisol (stress hormone) by 30%!

DOING NOTHING: Take regular time to do nothing. If you're on the train, don't grab your phone or computer. Leave just time blank. It will give you peace of mind.

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Who is Karina Stewart

Founder of the award-winning Kamalaya Koh Samui, Karina Stewart is a renowned authority on holistic health and wellbeing. An acclaimed speaker, author and innovator, Karina has more than 40 years of experience in the study and practice of diverse Asian healing and spiritual traditions. Karina and John Stewart are the founders of creating Kamalaya Koh Samui in 2005, one of the best destination spas in the world. 

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