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Health & Fitness holiday

July 22, 2022
Exercise is good. But not all of us find the time and motivation to actually get going. A fitness vacation can turn the knob.

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'Of course I knew that sufficient exercise is necessary for your health and to stay fit. But I just wasn't much of an athlete. Even on vacation I liked to lie beside the pool with a book. I loved to laze around. But when my back started hurting and I didn't do any sports, both the doctor and the physical therapist told me to get moving.'

'But what? And how? I just couldn't bring myself to do it. A sporty friend of mine suggested we take an active vacation together. A week's cycling or backpacking in the mountains was not something I was looking forward to. But then she came up with a fitness trip. Ten days in a luxurious resort by the sea, with a varied program of different sports. That seemed like a good idea. If I couldn't keep up the exercise, or just didn't feel like it, I could always go to the beach with a book. Well, I didn't read much during that vacation. And I didn't miss it at all! Every day there were different activities and I discovered that I had more in me than I thought. Pilates and tai chi turned out not to be really my thing, but on and in the water I was in my element. I loved rowing, surfing and swimming.'

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After only a few days, I noticed that I was getting up differently: I had mountains of energy. It had been so long since I had felt that. The mental fatigue finally slipped away from me, and the physical fatigue felt nice. It made me feel immensely fulfilled. And I was also proud of my perseverance. 

Once home, I continued swimming. Two mornings a week I swim laps and once a week I do aquarobics. My back hardly hurts anymore. I notice that my condition has improved enormously, and swimming is very good for muscle strength. That vacation really turned the corner for me. I discovered how much fitter and more energetic I feel when I exercise regularly. Now I can't imagine ever not doing it!

View the range of all fitness and active vacations at the spa hotels, spas and wellness hotels we offer here.

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