So, you resolve to stop smoking, lose weight eat and eat healthier? Achieving all of these things at once is too much to ask of yourself and – to be frank – doomed to fail. In order to stick to a resolution, you’re best focusing on just one thing and going for it. Planning to lose a few kilos during 2017 is a measurable goal and therefore much more achievable. Especially so if you begin your year with a Fit and Slim trip at a gorgeous hotel in Cyprus, where a weight loss and nutrition consultation and personal diet plan, together with three personal training sessions will give a kick-start to your kilo-loss campaign.
Perhaps your goal this year is to do more exercise. But what exactly does that look like? It’s better to set a tangible target. For example: I will go to the gym twice a week or go swimming three times a week. It’s also important to stay realistic; for you to stay motivated, your resolution needs to be achievable. Rather than put your name down for a marathon next summer, enter a 10k. The Monchique Hotel & Resort in the Portuguese Algarve offers a Fitness Booster trip, with free access to the fitness centre, a wellness consultation and a private session with a personal trainer to give your New Year’s resolution a real boost!
You set yourself up for a fall by promising yourself on 1st January that not a single more chip or biscuit will ever pass your lips for the rest of your life... These kinds of generic terms can be intimidating – even depressing – and will inevitably lead us to ‘failure’. A better approach is to take things a month – or even a day – at a time. You’re much more likely to last one day without a snack than a lifetime. But remember, each of those days adds up to a year! With December behind you, lifestyle coach Nannet will help you get back on track with a healthy lifestyle.
The research has proven it time and time again: those who tell others about their plans stick to them better. The motivating effect works on a number of different levels. Firstly, it gives those around you the chance to support you. Secondly, they will be considerate of your situation. And thirdly, quite simply, because we really don’t want to have to admit defeat. So: pick up the phone to your friends and family and let them know that, to back-up your 2017 resolution to be more Zen, you’ve booked yourself a trip to Tenerife in an idyllic location with sun, sea and ocean air for a calming start to the year ahead.
*in the Netherlands