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Boost Your Happiness with the Right Foods: Eat Yourself Happy

August 27, 2021

Is it possible to eat your way to a higher step on the happiness ladder? And no, we’re not talking about lounging on the couch while devouring chocolate bars and binge-watching the latest Netflix series. Of course, many factors influence how happy we feel, such as work, good friendships, relationships, health, and financial security. However, a long list of studies shows that a lack of certain vitamins and minerals can also have a direct impact on how happy you feel.

In this blog post:
Image for Happy makers: Magnesium and Vitamins B and D

Happy makers: Magnesium and Vitamins B and D

A deficiency in magnesium and vitamins B & D can significantly impact your mood. If you’re running out of energy long before the day is over or can’t remember the last time you felt cheerful, it might be time to take a closer look at your vitamin and mineral intake.

Image for Mood-boosting nutrients in your diet

Mood-boosting nutrients in your diet

While an all-in-one vitamin supplement may seem like a quick fix, overdoing it on certain vitamins (especially vitamin A) can be harmful. A more effective approach is to assess your diet. If you often feel sluggish or low, consider getting your levels tested by a doctor or dietician. Any deficiencies can be corrected with the right foods or supplements, if necessary. But what should you be eating to boost specific levels? Read on to see if you’re getting enough of these mood-boosting nutrients in your diet.

Image for Vitamin B: the happy vitamin

Vitamin B: the happy vitamin

There’s a strong link between vitamin B deficiencies and depression, including vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, and B9 (thiamine, riboflavin, and folic acid). In a study of older women with severe depression, a third were found to be lacking in vitamin B12. The B vitamins provide energy, reduce stress, and promote a sense of well-being. Bonus: they also help with healthy hair and nails.

  • Animal sources: Poultry, fish, eggs, and milk are rich in vitamin B.
  • Plant sources: Dark green vegetables like kale, bananas, and whole grains.

Image for Vitamin D: the sun vitamin

Vitamin D: the sun vitamin

Along with boosting your mood, vitamin D aids calcium absorption, promoting strong bones and teeth. Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D, but with so much time spent indoors and concerns about UV exposure, vitamin D deficiency has become more common. If you're feeling down, just 15 minutes of sunlight a day can boost both your vitamin D levels and your mood. Bonus: It also helps with weight loss by suppressing appetite.

  • Animal sources: Whole eggs, salmon, swordfish, and milk.
  • Plant sources: Chanterelle mushrooms.
  • Star source: The sun.

Image for Magnesium: the anti-depressant mineral

Magnesium: the anti-depressant mineral

Studies have compared the effects of magnesium with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a common type of antidepressant. After just two weeks, those with mild to moderate depression showed significant improvements. This powerful mineral also reduces inflammation, regulates blood pressure, and supports muscle and bone growth. If you decide to take magnesium, consult a specialist to ensure you're choosing a form that’s right for you and easily absorbed by the body.

  • Animal source: Salmon and beef.
  • Plant sources: Dark chocolate (minimum 75% cocoa), seaweed, pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, peanuts, spinach, raisins, and broccoli.

Image for In balance

In balance

Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and staying active won’t guarantee happiness, as many other factors contribute to your well-being. However, for mild to moderate depression, it’s worth checking if you’re getting enough of these key nutrients. When your body is out of balance, your mood and energy levels often follow suit. And for those whose depressive symptoms are tied to a deficiency, these feelings can often disappear once proper levels are restored. So, eat well, and enjoy your food!

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