Holiday type

On holiday alone? Why not?!

February 19, 2021
International Women’s Day is a day for bold women. Celebrating women who historically stood up for their rights. Women who, in today’s world, dare to go on holiday on their own.

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International Women’s Day

8th March is International Women’s Day: a day dedicated to officially honouring women’s assertiveness and solidarity among women the world over. A day to illustrate how women stood up for their rights, allowing the women of today to live their lives in relative independence. Women today are financially independent, sometimes even bring up children alone, have their own career, friends and hobbies. Despite all this, there are still many women who would prefer not to holiday alone. Either because they find it daunting, strange, lonely or even a ‘sad’ thing to do. The reality is, taking a holiday on your own can be just wonderful; even more wonderful than a holiday with other people.

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New friends

Why? Firstly because as a sole traveller, it’s far easier to make contact with other people. If you’re sitting on a terrace in Crete with a friend or your partner, the chances of you striking up a conversation with the person on the table next to you are small. If you are alone, it’s far easier to get talking to people. Before you know it, you’re in the midst of an interesting and surprising conversation with a person you’ve never met before. A number of our destinations, including Kamalaya in Thailand, Shanti Som in Spain and Alpino Atlantico in Madeira have communal tables. Guests looking for some company can pull up a chair and dine together: a sure way to make friends. 

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Do what you want

Another real advantage of holidaying alone is that you get to do whatever you want. If there’s a particular restaurant you fancy, that’s where you’ll go. No discussions or disagreements. If you just want to laze the day away by the pool, you can go right ahead, without a partner or kids mithering you to ‘do something’ with them. If your friends have no interest at all in yoga or meditation but you, on the other hand, do, then you are free to enjoy these classes without feeling guilty. How good it that!? Simply being able to do whatever you want or feel like for once. Particularly if you pick a destination that has lots of facilities and activities on offer – like Italy’sAlmar Jesolo Resort & Spa – you can be sure you’ll never be short of things to do.

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If you travel on your own, you and you alone are responsible. This might sound a bit overwhelming, but the plus side of it is that you get to learn a lot about yourself. You are able to notice how you react to certain situations. Witness how you handle things. Get to see what makes you irritable. These are valuable insights you get to take home with you as souvenirs. If building on your self-understanding is something you are interested in, a retreat at Lefay Resort & Spa could be for you.

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Overcome your fear

Naturally, your first ever trip alone can feel daunting. But the only way to conquer fear is to jump right through it. This will show you that there was absolutely nothing to fear in the first place. In fact, you’ll discover how easy and enjoyable it is.


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