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Op digitale detox

October 26, 2018

Beep: a new app. Ping: another Messenger message. Ping: an email. How can we escape from the constant stream of messages? Actually, we can’t. Hence our prediction that digital detox will become the newest trend.

Image for Forever online

Forever online

Email, apps, social media: smart phones are what connect us with the rest of the world today. Research shows that forty per cent of people check their phones for new messages just five minutes after waking in the morning. Likewise, thirty per cent of people look at their phone to read one more email or send a message last thing at night before going to sleep. Throughout the rest of the day, we check our mobiles on average 47 times a day. What’s more, fifty per cent will even take a sneaky peak during the night.

Image for Free from email

Free from email

In our striving for the ideal of an empty inbox – i.e., to have achieved everything we need to – digital traffic has become a source of tension, stress and even burnout. However, given the predictions that email will only become more prevalent in future (from 205 billion worldwide in 2015 to 246 million in 2019), a straightforward solution does not seem imminent. Governments will likely have to introduce new guidelines. In January, the French government introduced a new law which stipulates that employees also get time off from answering their emails.  

Image for Empty mobile, fully-charged you

Empty mobile, fully-charged you

And in the meantime? We have identified a new trend. Hotels and spas that offer ‘digital detox’ programmes, such as Kamalaya Wellness Sanctuary where boards everywhere remind you that the use of laptops and mobiles is not permitted. Chiva Som is also strict in this regard. Spa Village Tembok Bali for instance only has Wi-Fi at reception, giving you chance to really recharge during your stay.

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