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Holidays for a happy soul

June 29, 2018
Holidays for a happy soul

Just chilling on holiday can be great. But more and more people are looking to get something more from their precious holidays. They are using this time to reconnect with themselves, come to terms with emotional issues or finally make that move towards a life of less stress. A turning point, a new start, a reset. Whatever you want to call it, you’ll come back a happy soul!


Reset yourself

Coach Nannet van der Ham literally and metaphorically ‘moves’ participants with her Power, Purpose & Pleasure retreats. If your energy levels are somewhat lacking and you fancy returning home bursting with zest for life and inspiration, then a retreat with Nannet is a must. There’s good reason why her participants call this trip ‘the perfect get-away-from-it-all’.


A change is as good as a rest

The hectic lives we lead can force us to lose touch with our true selves. This can cause all sorts of issues in the relationship, career and health areas of our lives. It’s only when you stop to ask yourself what it is you really want in your life that you can make a change. This is exactly what spiritual master Rajesh Ramani will help you with. You’ll have to go to Thailand for it. But – Oh boy – is it worth it!


Know thyself

Meditation is the best way to calm the mind. The only drawback is finding the time to do it. A short meditation break will set you off on the right track and help you to make space for meditation in your day-to-day life. An intimate 4*hotel with oriental gardens, stunning Buddha statues, Japanese waterfalls and olive trees makes a lovely setting for such a retreat…



Stress causes insomnia, fatigue and even heart problems. Is high time to put your foot on the break? If so, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) can help. Acupuncture, tuina massages and reflexology bring the body back into balance. Combined with relaxing spa treatments and light meals, this is a sure way to re-charge those batteries. 

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